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Grounding Green Turquoise Necklace

Regular price $3,300.00
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Each piece comes with an intention card explaining the magick and power of your piece.  

Intention: If you are drawn to this piece may you find the gift you feel it holds for you. 

The green turquoise carries a grounding, a sense of connection to the earth a sense of a drawing from the energy of the earth mother to empower yourself as you move about in worldly affairs. If you were going to go into a situation where you questioned whether you could stay grounded, whether business or personal. It will hold you very grounded within yourself. It would be a good piece to wear if you were going to meet with a person or group of people that you know their energy may be frazzled and uncentered. It will assist you to anchor down. 

Each piece comes with a raw pyrite rock which can be used to cleanse your pieces from  time to time and recharge them. Especially if you feel that you have been in emotionally charged situations the pieces will require cleansing. You will place your piece in a bowl with water and the pyrite stone for a night. Additionally you can leave them out during the Full Moon and the next day in the sunlight for a full cleansing and recharging.