One of Ascended Master of clarity and magick Saint Germain's stones. It is in many ways about clearing and cleansing the emotions. It actually helps in times when I may feel that I am emotionally blocked. Or when you feel like you are dealing with old wounds. It's quite a good stone for anyone who is having emotional challenges. Those that would wear it or handle has a very powerful healing energy of healing but it's not just physical healing in these times. It's so important now for humanity dealing with lifetimes that they’ve had and healing with things that didn’t go so well, outcomes that weren’t pleasing. Decisions, choices…that weren’t necessarily the wisest. So there is a lot of balancing of things that occurred in other times and this stone and the way that the diamond is placed on it is almost as though it magnifies healing energy. It may move things a little faster than people might want them to…or it may be extremely supportive in clearing up a whole situation that wasn’t quite resolved or balanced yet. In these healings, it frees you to move forward with your life without having to carry fear, tension, doubt, judgment from old experiences, things that were not healed. So it carries a great deal of power, of healing, balancing and in many ways realigning the energy of the individual that wears it.