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Stones Energy Guide

Understanding the sacred energy of each stone to find what calls you.


One of Ascended Master of clarity and magick Saint Germain's stones. It is a transformation stone, it transforms whatever you put it with. So it can lift the energy, transform the energy and it can raise the consciousness of the energy higher. It carries the energy of the violet flame which is complete transformation, the transmuting of negative emotions into a much higher frequency of pure love and a consciousness of how to be in the world without being of it.


One of Ascended Master of clarity and magick Saint Germain's stones. It is in many ways about clearing and cleansing the emotions. It actually helps in times when I may feel that I am emotionally blocked. Or when you feel like you are dealing with old wounds. It's quite a good stone for anyone who is having emotional challenges. Those that would wear it or handle has a very powerful healing energy of healing but it's not just physical healing in these times. It's so important now for humanity dealing with lifetimes that they’ve had and healing with things that didn’t go so well, outcomes that weren’t pleasing. Decisions, choices…that weren’t necessarily the wisest. So there is a lot of balancing of things that occurred in other times and this stone and the way that the diamond is placed on it is almost as though it magnifies healing energy. It may move things a little faster than people might want them to…or it may be extremely supportive in clearing up a whole situation that wasn’t quite resolved or balanced yet. In these healings, it frees you to move forward with your life without having to carry fear, tension, doubt, judgment from old experiences, things that were not healed. So it carries a great deal of power, of healing, balancing and in many ways realigning the energy of the individual that wears it.


Heart healing, feeling more connected to what we will call the spirit of the earth. To nature, to the earth herself, to the natural world. It's almost like having a little piece of outdoors inside.

Black Tourmaline

It takes you into the mysterious and going deeper into delve and exploring from within to what is out there. It can be a portal into the mysteries of you.

Green Tourmaline

It can range in energies and personalities due to its color shades. The green can about growth energy. It is about a gentle growth like nature’s growth. It can be about tranquility as well as about prosperity. The darker shades of green tourmaline can be a major grounding stone, if worn near your center it can ground you into your soul.

Pink tourmaline

One of Ascended Master of clarity and magick Saint Germain's stones. It is about the heart soul connection and is worn near the throat or heart chakra will bring more willingness to allow to love and to be loved. It is about loving emotion, it is about bonding and it is about drawing sweetness into life. It is also a stone that is good for tranquility and peace.


This is a cleansing stone. It can be used to cleanse other gems and stones. It is best used in its raw form for cleansing. It soaks up the negative energy and transmutes and transforms it, leaving the gem recharged and cleansed.

Green Turquoise

A grounding, a sense of connection to the earth a sense of a drawing from the energy of the earth mother to empower yourself as you move about in worldly affairs. If you were going to go into a situation where you questioned whether you could stay grounded, whether business or personal. It will hold you very grounded within yourself. It is a good stone for you to to wear around people who have ungrounded energy.

Rose Quartz

It would really help the environment of any room where you spend a great deal of time to put rose quartz, it doesn’t have to be big. But to put a piece in each corner of the room. Because it's as though negative energy tends to collect in corners so when you have the love stones in the corner the negative energy can’t gather there. Put rose quartz in the corners and you will feel a great shift. Rose quartz carries the energy of love no matter what size.


It is the birthstone of the virgo sign; it is about purity and healing. The higher deeper darker shades of blue are considered a higher frequency. The lavender sapphire has a great deal of properties to help someone to stay more grounded in their seeking. Because the logical mind is bouncing around like a ping pong ball and the lavender, or purple sapphires would be a good anchoring of spirit in such a way that you are conscious of what is happening,


Opals work on us on a more emotional level while the tourmalines are of a higher frequency. The opals can assist with more physical/emotional healing.


It is a deeply healing stone that has been used by the indigenous people especially in the south western of the united states for as long as remembered time. It is used literally in healing sessions but they also consider it a blessing to the gods. So such things as the squash necklaces is not just a celebration to deity but a blessing of the woman, the earth mother. So women especially in those tribes consider those squash necklaces as an insignia of their status not only as a mother or matron but as a spiritual being. The lighter bluer turquoise have a tendency to carry more of the higher frequencies. Where the darker blue turquoise are more about emotional healing, and the green tones are more about grounding and more physical issues.


The foundational energy of tourmaline is one of the heart opening stones. It allows the opening of the heart. Any tourmaline is about the connection to the higher love. It is bridging how humanity views love and the internal wisdom of loving. The colors of them are a point of focus. The greens are more earthy, about abundance. The pink tourmaline is for the heart and soul so it is a deeper and more profound love. The pink tourmaline brings the love deeper. Brings it into the safety and security of living with an open heart.

Watermelon Tourmalines

It is a very engaging stone, it’s very embracing, it’s very strengthening and uniting with the inner self. It is a stone of temperance. Temperance has to do with patience, with strength and with self alignment so the tourmaline really helps to strengthen energetically, spiritually your back bone. It helps you move out of victimization. The pink draws in a higher vibration of love and the green is about the heart energy and how that connects to the divine.

White Diamond

It amplifies the integrity and quality of whatever stone it is working with. It brings a sense of purity to the concept of what Sanamama is creating. Draws the energy to be even more authentic and real. Whatever the other stones are that the white diamond is placed with, assists to emphasize and accentuates whatever energy the other stone carries. For example, the green tourmaline assists with prosperity and abundance and if paired with the white diamond it stabilizes and accentuates the being with the ways of achieving abundance which in the long run puts you in the flow of prosperity that makes a person aware that the real things of value in life can’t be bought. It shifts the idea of being rich to being about the way you live, the way you give and receive. If placed with an amethyst it can help amplify the energy of transformation and it can bring a clarity of what the power of that stone holds.

Yellow Diamond

The yellow diamond really moves to align with the truth center to bring a clarity, an honest to the way of being. To heal in reality in truth rather than through illusions and facades that are not healing. If the person who is wearing them isn't totally clear or honest with themselves the diamond can nudge the energy to a greater connection to honesty, the clarity the truth of the life.